The scent of sunscreen, the sound of laughter echoing off the water, the warm rays illuminating the backyard… Summer is just around the corner!

Whether you're about to experience the joy of your first pool opening or you're a seasoned veteran, there's an undeniable thrill in preparing for that first refreshing dip.

To ensure nothing stands between you and a flawless pool season, we've compiled a comprehensive checklist covering all the essential tasks for your pool's grand opening. Take a look!

Complete Pool Opening Checklist

  • uncheckedClear Debris From the Cover: Before anything else, ensure your safety pool cover is free of debris. A telescopic pool broom with soft bristles is perfect for this task, gently sweeping away leaves and twigs. If there is too much water on the cover, a cover pump is your best friend in removing it efficiently.
  • uncheckedRemove the Cover: Removing the cover is a delicate process. To ensure your safety and to avoid damaging your cover, contact a swimming pool professional first. But if you choose to do this step yourself, ensure you have assistance. Carefully lift the cover up, and fan fold it back until you reach the shallow end of the pool. Then, gently move the cover to a flat, clean space like your lawn to be cleaned and dried.
  • uncheckedClean the Cover: Use a soft brush and mild detergent to remove any stubborn debris clinging to your cover. Rinse thoroughly, working systematically from one end to the other to ensure no spot is missed. Flip and repeat to guarantee a pristine clean on both sides.
  • uncheckedInspect the Cover: While cleaning your cover, be sure to inspect it for any signs of wear or damage. If your cover is older, it may be time to consider a replacement cover so you can maintain all of the safety requirements. Early detection means easier repairs, ensuring your cover remains in top shape for seasons to come.
  • uncheckedDry the Cover: Patience is key here—let your cover dry completely to prevent mold or mildew from forming. This might take some time, but it's crucial for maintaining the cover's condition.
  • uncheckedStore the Cover: Once fully dry, fold your cover carefully and put it in the storage bag provided. Then, hang the bag off of the floor in a closed space so that no critters can access and nest inside the cover. You can also consider a large plastic storage bin and keep it in a cool, dry place.
  • uncheckedPerform a Deep Clean: Give your pool's interior a deep clean. This can be a DIY project or, for a thorough job, consider scheduling a swimming pool professional with a company that specializes in cleaning vinyl liner pools.
  • uncheckedTest the Water: Water chemistry is crucial for a safe swimming environment. Test your pool water’s pH, chlorine, and hardness levels, adjusting as necessary to meet recommended standards for safe and comfortable swimming.
  • uncheckedInspect Pool Equipment: Take a close look at your pool's equipment, including the vinyl liner, coping, hoses, and skimmers. Note any irregularities for repair.
  • uncheckedInspect Pool Surroundings: Don't forget the pool's surroundings–steps, pavers, and decking all contribute to the overall safety and aesthetics of your pool area.
  • uncheckedPerform Safety Checks: It is essential to perform a comprehensive safety review of your pool and backyard. This includes checking for potential hazards or landscaping concerns and installing pool safety equipment, such as BABY-LOC Removable Fencing.
  • uncheckedSchedule Maintenance: With your checklist complete, compile any maintenance needs and reach out to your local pool professional. They can assist with everything from cover management to water treatment, ensuring your pool is in peak condition for the summer.

The Benefits of Working With a Pool Professional

A pool professional not only brings expertise in maintenance but also offers peace of mind. Their knowledge ensures your pool not only opens successfully but remains a safe and enjoyable centerpiece of your summer. Delegating the technical tasks lets you focus on what truly matters… enjoying your pool with friends and family!

Ready to Put Your Checklist to the Test?

As you work through this checklist, remember that you're not just preparing your pool opening for summer, you're setting the stage for memories that will last a lifetime.

While the tasks may take some time and planning, they're all worthwhile steps toward a season of relaxation and fun.

For expert assistance and more pool preparation tips, don't hesitate to reach out to your local pool professional and follow us on PinterestPS–Once you have your pool open and ready to go, snap a photo of your LOOP-LOC luxury liner, post it on Instagram or Facebook, and tag @looplocpoolproducts for a chance to be featured in one of our future posts!